7 Health Benefits of Watermelon

It’s so good to taste a fresh watermelon on a hot summer day.

Roha Ansar
4 min readJun 12, 2021
The juiciest and healthy snack in summer is watermelon

Millions of people worldwide love to eat watermelon; most of us wait with excitement for this fruit season. Watermelon is a sweet, delicious and refreshing low calories summer snack. Fortunately it also good for your health. The Wonders of Watermelon.

There are so many great things about watermelon that go beyond descriptions of its taste and freshness. The following are some of the wonders of watermelon:

Skin benefits of watermelon:

In addition to being healthy, watermelon is excellent for the skin as well. Skin is freshened and tightened by it. Dehydrated skin can appear dull and dry, but watermelon’s high water content keeps the skin hydrated and moisturized.

Maintaining your skin’s suppleness and appearance can help. The watermelon contains a natural substance that shrinks body tissues. Watermelon essentially serves as a natural toner that helps to rejuvenate the skin.

Our skin thins as we get older and becomes less able to heal after being damaged. We are full of ‘free radicals’ which, over time, cause our cells to age. It is harmful to our skin when we are exposed to these free radicals. The pigment lycopene, as well as vitamins C and A in watermelon, prevent the formation of free radicals which can prematurely age skin. Consuming Vitamin A can help you maintain youthful and supple skin by encouraging the growth of collagen and elastin cells.

Keeping blood pressure under control with watermelon:

Citrulline, an amino acid that is present in watermelon, may help control high blood pressure.

Citrulline stimulates the production of nitric oxide, a gas that relaxes vessels and makes arteries more flexible. By promoting blood flow, these effects can lower high blood pressure.

The ankles and brachial arteries of mice were treated with watermelon extract and their blood pressure was lowered. An artery located in the upper arm is called the brachial artery.

A 50 per cent lower level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol was also observed in mice who consumed the solution. There was a 30 per cent reduction in weight gain compared to the control animals, which many describe as excess cholesterol. Watermelon can be consumed in salads, smoothies, or chilled soups.

Weight loss with watermelon:

In addition to being good for health and the skin, watermelon also helps reduce belly fat and can be used to reduce weight. Its high liquid content makes watermelon a food with low-calorie density.

Low-energy-density foods are great for losing belly fat because they provide fewer calories in a larger quantity of food, which makes you feel more satisfied and eat less. Watermelon has fewer calories per cup of diced fruit than similar servings of many other fruits, at only 46 calories. To give you an idea, a cup of seedless grapes contains 104 calories, and a cup of banana slices contains 134 calories.

Be cool as a Watermelon.

Watermelon reduces the risk of disease:

It is lycopene that gives watermelon its reddish colour. Lycopene can reduce cholesterol, which reduces your risk of developing heart disease. You just need to eat one cup of watermelon per day to meet your nutritional needs.

You may be able to fight some of the severe effects of asthma with just one cup of watermelon a day since watermelon is a source of vitamin C, which is responsible for reducing the effects of asthma. You can prevent periodontal disease by eating one cup of watermelon every day, a condition that affects about 25% of the world’s population. An infection and tooth loss accompany this disease, which is linked to other heart ailments as well.

Further, asthmatics with low levels of vitamin C tend to experience more asthmatic symptoms, so watermelon is a good choice if you are experiencing such a condition. Asthmatics benefit from watermelon’s 40% of vitamin C content.

WaterMelon best summer snacks.

Watermelon nutrients:

A watermelon’s main ingredients are water (91%) and carbs (7.5%).

The nutrients found in two and third cups (100 grams) of raw watermelon include:

Calories: 30

Water: 91%

Protein: 0.6 grams

Carbs: 7.6 grams

Sugar: 6.2 grams

Fibre: 0.4 grams

Fat: 0.2 grams

Watermelon aids digestion:

Watermelon contains a substantial amount of water and a small amount of fibre, both of which are important for digestion.

Adding fibre to your stool can enhance its bulk, while water helps keep your digestive tract working efficiently. Although watermelon is not very high in fibre, the fibre that it does contain is beneficial for gut health. It also contains fluid and prebiotics, fibre that stimulates beneficial bacteria in the large intestine to grow or thrive. Anti-inflammatory properties and mood enhancement are related to prebiotics. Moreover, prebiotics enhance mineral absorption, improve blood glucose levels, inhibit colon cancer, and may improve insulin levels.



Roha Ansar

A computer scientist with exceptional content strategy abilities who can develop ground-breaking IT business concepts.